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Senior Vice President & Executive Officer
Responsible for Imaging Solution Business
And General Manager, FORXAI Business Operations
“FORXAI” - A key driver to accelerate DX in the field
In recent years, as a global trend, many companies are tackling Digital Transformation (DX) in need of reformation.
Also in Konica Minolta, we are endeavoring to respond to the innovations of our customers with our own technical strength that visualizes invisible things, which we have been fostered through products, such as cameras, copiers, and medical diagnosis instruments with our management vision of “Imaging to the People”.
We are now using “imaging IoT technologies” that combine our strengths - these imaging technologies and the latest AI and IoT technologies to support the creation of high-quality solutions and provide “FORXAI (pronounced “forsai”)” - a key driver for accelerating digital transformation (DX) in the field.
With FORXAI, we are contributing to the advancement of workplaces and the realization of safe and secure societies around the world.
Aiming to solve customer issues in specific business fields
Since the announcement of FORXAI in November 2020, many partner companies have participated and we have been developing solutions to realize digital transformation (DX) for our customers by utilizing the technologies possessed by Konica Minolta and our partners.
Since 2023, the year in which we further strengthened initiatives with the establishment of the FORXAI Business Management Division, our partners and us have expanded our solution packages for fields where we can utilize our strengths that incorporate unique hardware and AI, and have created cases of DX acceleration for our customers.
For example, in occupational safety solutions that utilize human behavior detection technologies, Konica Minolta and partners who have strengths in various channels, such as food manufacturing, have pushed forward initiatives for full-scale deployment to our customers.
Also, by combining AI, edge devices, and IoT platform, the component elements of FORXAI, which are based on imaging IoT technologies, we also contribute to the improvement of our corporate value in fields such as healthcare industry.
Promoting global innovation
With 80% of sales being made overseas, Konica Minolta engages in global business with about two million customers in 150 countries.
Furthermore, we believe that the strength of imaging IoT technologies is indispensable for realizing our five materialities (important issues).
We are deploying solutions such as gas leak monitoring system for the oil gas industry in North America. In APAC and Europe, we have started providing DX solutions for the manufacturing industry.
By joining strengths of Konica Minolta and external partners in fields where we can contribute with FORXAI, we believe that we can provide solutions leading to resolution of issues for customers around the world and acceleration of DX in the field, and continue to deliver results.